
To those of you who manage to become curious about the “About”: well, I suppose you stumbled upon the page where we explain to you why a site like this exists.

Do we really need to? Do we really need to use words in explaining that there is a much-needed online source and place in the digital world for girls and women to be recognized as the bad-asses they are and have the potential to be?  That a lot of girls can ride, climb, rip and shred harder than an average to advanced skilled male involved in the same sport? Of course not. Let the words, images and videos on the site speak for itself. We love the boys… but we love ourselves and we love to live the adventure too.

I dedicate this site to my mother, Mei-Lien, to Lynn Hill, who believed so much in this project and was my first interviewee and to all the amazing women out there who have inspired me to create this…whether they are involved in an activity and push themselves or they are one of the ones that uses this site for an idea to spring up.

I also would like to add that if you are just beginning at any of these sports – please take it seriously and one step at a time.  The articles and photos included on this website will frequently show women who have had experience and training in the activity they are participating in.  Please use care and caution, in other words…..learn about the sport as much as possible before just jumping into it.  We want you to have fun….but keep yourself uninjured so you can do it over and over and over again. That’s the point, right? : )

If you have interest in contributing writing, photography or cookies….I can be reached at: xtine@rockriprollgirl.com. We would love contributors!

This website technically began Dec. 2009 so we are slowly building our way to a more robust quantity of content.

The Team:

||Christine Cauble||


At 35 years of age, Christine has managed to have kept all her limbs in trying to ungracefully try each and every one of these activities out. She loves it all, however climbing rock has been her chosen best friend. She has currently written 100% of the content on the site….and her hands and body are about to be of no use climbing anymore if she doesn’t find some interested contributors who can envision the same dream…soon!

Contact: xtine@RockRipRollGirl.com

Atop Frigid Air Buttress, Red Rock, Nevada // Rappelling off “Monkey Head”, Smith Rock, Oregon

||Szu-Ting Yi||


Writer, programmer and climbing guide,  Szu-Ting, is the site’s saving grace from glitches and Christine’s programming mistakes.  Thanks to her, one of our very own interviewees, we run smoothly.  Check out her awesome website with tons of information on climbing and her guiding services that span from the US, China and Taiwan.

Contact:  info@littlepo.com and www.littlepo.com

||Laureen Jimenez||

Licensed Occupational Therapist

Laureen hails from the paradise of Hawaii where she is a licensed OT, a doting wife and number one mom  to Sierra and Pono (her two pups).  We are lucky to have her expertise on how to prevent and care for injuries in our Q&A section for active girls.

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